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There are many tools & scripts providing exporting MySQL Data to Excel files.
But when it comes to export only database tables structure, in other words design, at least I failed in finding such tools or scripts.

As a developer, I always need to provide DB Structures along with all table names with their fields & types as well. So I have to make the .xls file for that manually. So we know that, every project will require those things. Sometimes its pathetic when we have large no. of tables.

As a solution, I made a web based tool or say script, which can be used to export MySQL DB Stucture to .xls file. I named it "Export MySQL DB Structure to Excel" .

First release on sourceforge.net can be download from the link below:


tsclient (Terminal Server Client) is a tool for rdesktop and other remote desktop tools.
It is a GNOME application. Its options include color depth, screen resolution etc.

To open tsclient's GUI, press Alt+F2, In the 'Run Application' box, enter 'tsclient' and press enter. That will open a tsclient's GUI.
Under Display tab These are default screen resolutions, you can set.
640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1152 x 864, 1280 x 960, 1400 x 1250
Full screen mode is also supported.

I'm using thin clients running Ubuntu feisty 7.04. I need to connect to Windows machine running Windows Xp. I'm working on 1280 x 768 resolution on my thin client. I also need the same resolution on tsclient.
So I need is custom resolution settings in tsclient.
I googled for it & I found something helpful.

Open a Terminal windows, and type:

rdesktop -g 1280x768 -a 24

You will get 1280 x 768 screen resolution on tsclient.

For more options type:

man rdesktop

Last Monday, Ashok sir took a very good session on 'Effective Time Management'.
One of the key things he explained was about 'Important Urgent Matrix', also called 'The Time Management Matrix'.
Currently I have started categorized my weekly tasks with this matrix.
As per the matrix, Tasks you have decided or assigned can be categorized as urgent or not urgent & important or not important. So we have 4 quadrants.
Now its up to you to choose the perfect quadrant for each task you decided to do.

Few examples for each quadrant.

Quadrant 1: Crises, Projects with short deadline
Quadrant 2: Planning, Recreation, Analysis
Quadrant 3: Interruptions like phone calls, Replying emails, Some meetings
Quadrant 4: Some time-pass mails, Chatting, Watching meaningless TV Shows, In short all the things which wastes your valuable time.

Based on The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (1989) by Stephen R. Covey