This is one of the coolest thing I seen in Linux. Now converting image formats from and to for the various image/video formats is lot easier. A script is available for the same. Download it.
You will need to place it in "/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts" in your home directory. To use the script right-click any image/video file, navigate to 'Scripts' » 'avconvert'.
However you will need to install 'imagemagick' for image conversion and resizing thing, and 'ffmpeg' for video conversion to get the script working.
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick
$ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
- Converts between various audio/video formats
- Converts between various image formats
- Creates an image of your text file
- Various conversions between TXT, RTF, HTML, MSOffice and OpenOffice
- Produce a WAV file from your text.
The screenshots shown below can explain all.