Font Smoothing is good on Windows Xp/Vista, but not the best. The font smoothing you can get in Mac OS X is very good. One will love to have OS X like font smoothing on Windows as well (If that buddy want to switch to Windows from OS X, little strange.. huh..).
However from my point of view, Ubuntu 9.04 does provide much better font smoothing. After seeing that Ubuntu, I would like to have the same on the Windows Xp as well.
As a solution I was able to find a library named 'GDI++'. Just google it & you will get the download link easily.
I tried out, not satisfied with default settings. So I did make some changes in ini(s) settings file & it worked. I was able get the satisfactory results after spending around an hour on it. The screenshots are as below for the font smoothing on various Operating Systems. Have look, which one you like?
Windows Xp - Cleartype Fontsmoothing
Windows Xp - GDI++
Ubuntu 9.04
Mac OS X Leopard
Note: This post is for the people who understand the font rendering/smoothing.