When it comes to using the world's most famous alternative browser Mozilla FireFox, You should consider more when you use it.
Here are some essential Firefox extensions
1. Extended Statusbar
A Statusbar with Speed, Percentage, Loaded size of the webpage ( like in Opera )
Adds an Opera-like statusbar to Firefox that shows:
-number of loaded images
-bytes downloaded
-average download speed
-load time
-percentage of the page loaded
2. Image Show-Hide
By clicking on icon on the toolbar (Or "Shift+Z" shortcut) you can simply turn on|off images on all web-pages and (optional) autoreload current page!
If you want to reduce time in loading the page.
To save your bandwidth on your limited internet broadband connection.
3. Undo Closed Tabs Button
Tired of going to History->Recently Closed Tabs just to undo a closed tab? Then this extension is for you! This extension allows you to undo closed tabs via a toolbar button, right-click context menu or even a shortcut (Alt+Z).
4. Web Developer
Web Developer is very usefull extension, if you are a web developer. ItAdds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools.
5. Flashblock
Flashblock is an extension for the Mozilla, Firefox, and Netscape browsers that takes a pessimistic approach to dealing with Macromedia Flash content on a webpage and blocks ALL Flash content from loading. It then leaves placeholders on the webpage that allow you to click to download and then view the Flash content.
Flashblock currently blocks the following content types:
-Macromedia Flash
-Macromedia Shockwave
-Macromedia Authorware
To save your bandwidth on your limited internet broadband connection.
6. CustomizeGoogle
CustomizeGoogle is a Firefox extension that enhance Google search results by adding extra information (like links to Yahoo, Ask.com, MSN etc) and removing unwanted information (like ads and spam). All features are optional and easily configured.
View a short introduction movie at http://www.customizegoogle.com
It shows number of results as soon as you typing your search phrase in the search box in Google.
It matches your search phrase with other most searched phrases (or phrases with large no. of results) and shows those phrases under search box.
To get relavant search phrases instantly matched with your search phrase.
7. DataFox
DataFox is a bandwidth usage monitor for BSNL , DataOne and MTNL TriBand.
It is a cross platform extension written for Firefox.
DataFox works by obtaining usage information directly from the BSNL / MTNL usage site, it does not monitor your network in any way, so usage details probably won't change until you logout of DataOne / TriBand and log back in again.
8. Fast Video Download
Fast Video Download can save embedded video files from following video-hosting servers:
Angry Alien, Anime Episodes, Anime Forever, Bad Jojo, Blip.TV, Bo-Funk, Bolt, Break.com, Bubblare.dk, CollegeHumor.com, Current.TV, Daily Motion, Danerd.com, eVideo Share, Google Video, Grinvi, iFilm, Libero.IT Video, HI5 (VideoEgg), My Space, MetaCafe, News.NTV.ru, PornoTube, Put File, Streetfire, Totally Crap, You Tube, V-Social and Vidiac.
When yoy watch videos in youtube, you always think about saving them on your computer, This extension can help you there.
It saves the video which is currently you are viewing.
It saves the video from the Firefox cache, will not download the video from the server again.
9. Firebug
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.10. YSlow
Speed up your webpages with YSlow.YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow based on the rules for high performance web sites. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the popular Firebug web development tool. YSlow gives you:
-Performance report card
-HTTP/HTML summary
-List of components in the page
-Tools including JSLint
20 August, 2007 12:19
very good...
keep writing..
23 August, 2007 10:57
I would like to add two more important extensions in firefox.
One is firebug to debug your javascript/CSS coding and another is yslow to check the performance of your site.